Author: Amy

Problem Statement & Project Brief

Thanks to what I learned in my user research, writing a problem statement is pretty easy: It is hard for comedy fans to discover comedians or find gigs to go to. I also included 3 problem statements directly from my two personas: It’s pretty clear that there is a problem to be solved but writing a brief is not so simple! I have lots of ideas for how to solve this problem but, of course, they’re all jumbled and excited in my head. I ended up structuring my brief into a list of requirements, and a list of suggestions of how these...

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Dark Patterns: Don’t try and trick your users

Yesterday I went to New Look and tried on a bunch of jumpers (it’s gotten cold, yo). As I entered the changing room, I saw these hooks and loved the concept. There’s different hooks to hang your stuff on as you try them on and make decisions. No more trying to remember that stuff on the far left side of the door is to keep. Ace! I didn’t read the signs properly at first and I assumed they were “yes”, “maybe” and “no”. As I took my coat and bag off, I thought to myself that it would be good...

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Class: Week 3 – Persona Presentations and Sketch Workshop

This week started with 8 of us giving a presentation about our user research and personas. I had split my 10 user interviews into 2 personas, the Casual Fan and the Comedy Enthusiast. There was quite a bit of crossover between the two but one major thing to note is that the Casual Fans get recommendations from friends, while the Comedy Enthusiasts seek out these recommendations themselves (from comedians on Twitter, from Facebook invites, and from keeping up on trends) and then they pass that on to the casuals. (Click for big) In my presentation I talked through my...

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User Research

After toying with a few different ideas (one day I swear I will fix the NHS from the ground up), I decided I want to centre my project on stand up comedy. My plan was to create some kind of service, a website or app, for comedians themselves to use. I have a bunch of ideas in this area. Organise jokes Write new jokes Track own improvement (maybe some functionality for getting feedback) Find gigs and get spots (connect bookers and comedians) I decided that I would focus my research on trying to work out which of these services comedians would...

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Class: Week 2 – User Research and Personas & Mobile Design

This week we looked at two topics: user research and mobile design. We started out looking at different ways to do user research like surveys, interviews or ethnographic research. I think ethnographic research (where researchers observe users in their own environment) would be fascinating to carry out, although I can see it might be hard to keep it structured and useful. Also it’s the most costly way to carry out research. A friend of mine, who is an speech therapist working for the NHS, told me about a time a consulting firm came in to observe them work for several...

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